Why I Eat Protein Powder Everyday

I used to be pretty anti protein powder… it just didn’t sit well with me. I am no registered dietician or expert, but I’ve just been lucky enough to have been blessed with a very sensitive stomach and digestive issues since I was little, so I’ve tried out many things and had a lot of shit experiences (literally lol). I would try and avoid processed foods like protein powders because of all the extra ingredients they add. After trying Nuzest Digestive Support Vanilla protein powder, I completely took a full turn and ended up adding it to everything, and eating it every damn day (not over exaggerating). A protein powder with only three ingredients (all that come from plants), tastes amazing, but not too sweet at all, and not only doesn’t make me feel bloated but actually benefits my digestive system? SIGN ME UP FOR LIFE.

Of course I don’t think you need to eat it everyday, but when I get obsessed with things…. I just go all in. I’ve been getting all my friends hooked too, and watching all of @lilsipper’s content on Instagram for recipe ideas to use with the protein powder.

They gave me a code to give to anyone for an even bigger discount this weekend than my usual code - AlyssaLynch25

A few favorite ways to eat it:

  • Add to breakfast bowls

    • I either take chia seed pudding, overnight oats, or coconut yogurt and mix the vanilla flavored Nuzest Digestive Support protein powder in it, and then add all the toppings I want (granola, nut butter, cacao nibs, banana etc) - I eat this 5 times a week for breakfast.

  • Healthy cookie dough

    • I definitely can’t take credit for this. Bethany or @lilsipper on Instagram (the wellness queen that collaborated with Nuzest to create this) always posts her ‘protein fluff’ which is just the powder mixed with water (its so frikin good).. and she also adds yogurt (I do vegan) and then sun butter and chocolate chips, and it literally makes the most delicious cookie dough ever.

  • Baked goods

    • Just like the cookie dough, I throw in those key ingredients and the protein powder almost works as a flour substitute, and then I add baking powder and maybe a few more ingredients depending on what I’m making, and throw it in the air fryer or oven and booooooom!!!! I’ve made really good cookies doing this, and they are so low in sugar and honestly I can eat an entire batch and not feel sluggish at all.

Anyways, just thought I’d share my love for this product and explain a little because its not just your average protein powder, it’s definitely special and different from anything else on the market.

If you want to check out more details on it visit this website and also make sure to check out Bethany’s blog and Instagram for so many recipes and tips on this topic. Again don’t forget to use my code AlyssaLynch25 (valid through 5/31, but after that you can use my code ALYSSA15) - I’d love to hear what you guys think and how you like to use it best.




July Wellness Favorites


What I Eat In A Week For Breakfast