My Ideal Self-Care Night

What. A. Year.

I think we can all agree that 2020 has thrown some hardships, challenges, and maybe some stress? at us (if not please message me and I’d like to know where you’re hiding). I don’t know about you guys but I’ve found myself having to have a few more self-care nights than before. It’s important we take some time to unwind, de-stress and give ourselves some extra lovin’. My apologies if this itinerary comes across as cliché, but these things are trending for good reason…

  1. Phone away. Just do it. Put it in another room and don’t touch it till the morning.

  2. Put a podcast on (The Skinny Confidential is always a win), make myself a bomb dinner, and pop open a Drink Poppi (current favorite flavor is watermelon!).

  3. Make my nightcap drink - I love something warm to curb my sweet tooth - so my mint hot cocoa is my go to (you can find the recipe in my What I Eat in a Day YouTube video!).

  4. CBD - this product is included in my mint hot cocoa. Highline Wellness CBD Drops are the highest quality, and allow me to fully chill out.

  5. Face mask - the Rose Gold Radiance face mask by Sonya Dakar is one of my top favorites! I also have been using two new products that I’m OBSESSED with (they haven’t dropped yet so I can’t say which yet - but don’t worry I’ll let y’all know very soon!).

  6. Read. Even just a few pages. Currently reading The Power of Now. Highly recommend if you haven’t read it!

  7. Meditate and gratitude journal. This sounds a lot more hippy-dippy and complex than it is. I honestly just take a few minutes of silence and focus on my breath, and then either write down or think about a few things that happened that day that I’m grateful for.

  8. Send out a few messages - (I love voice notes lately because it saves my thumbs the workout but also is a little more personal since the other person can hear your emotion) saying goodnight and letting a few people know I love them.

  9. Essential oils - (sometimes I’ll take a bath and add them but that’s honestly kind of rare these days) however I won’t go a night without lathering some peppermint & lavender to fully calm my body and mind.

  10. Dosist Pen. This may be controversial, but I take a hit of my Sleep pen and it’s completely helped my insomnia.

Now reading this back, I realize I do most of these every single night... so I guess I’m really taking my self-care and self-love seriously. But I think it’s even more important with everything going on in the world. I will keep it real though, there are many nights I spend way too long scrolling through my phone or watching reality TV (Love Island is really taking over these days) BUT whenever I’m in need of some serious self-care and time to unwind, these simple tips do the trick.

I hope you all can incorporate some of these into your life even if it’s just for one night. Stay healthy and safe out there.

Sending love x



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