Greece with Follie Follie

I just returned from Greece, and it was such an amazing experience. One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I wanted to share some photos and memories with you guys, and also tell you how and why I got to attend this trip.

This was my first trip for work on my own. I almost always have Jordan with me while travelling, so the days leading up to this trip I was a little nervous, but very excited.

A brand reached out to me asking if I would attend a trip to Greece with a few other influencers and fashion bloggers. They were interested in having me model their accessories, create content of my own, and experience the incredible itinerary they had planned. I was honestly just thinking to myself "is this real life?", and I wanted to send an email back responding "DUH"...But I kept it a little more professional and responded saying that I'd love to attend. The brand is called Follie Follie and they are a Greek-based international company that designs, manufactures, and distributes jewelry, watches, and accessories. We got to go to their main store on the first day in Athens and take a look at all the items they sell. Honestly some of the most beautiful accessories I’ve ever gotten to wear, as well as (the most exciting part) vegan leather bags. I have a hard time finding vegan leather bags that look of good quality, and suit my style right, but these ones were adorable! They had them waiting for me when I arrived in Athens, and I may have screamed out of excitement. Since Greece is so beautiful and unique on its own, I wanted my style and accessories to be simple and elegant, and the accessories they gave us to wear on the trip were perfect.

The only negative thing about this trip was that it was not long enough. I almost felt like it was a tease. In Athens we could see the Acropolis from our hotel roof, and it looked so amazing. It was so close, yet so far away since we had no time to actually go there and see it up close. I guess I’ll just have to go back now, and drag Jordan with me this time.

After boating on the nicest yacht I’ve ever stepped foot in, we arrived in Hydra for the day. I stepped off that boat faster than the flash when I saw the word “café” because ya know.. It had been a while since this girl got her café fix. Kirsty (best manager in the world) yelled out “iced coffee Alyssa?”, and me being my dramatic, coffee-loving self, cried tears of joy. Those were the best words I’d herd in a while. I was also just suffering from the extreme jet-leg… but nothing a coffee can’t fix.

We got to stroll through the village for a little while, and the really neat thing about Hydra is that there’s no cars, so you either walk or take a horse carriage. If the horses gotta walk though, so do I. We walked to a beautiful lunch spot, and then back to the boat where we were off to our next destination.

We arrived at the docks on Spetses island where we checked into our hotel and passed out immediately. We were all so tired. Spetses was hands down my favorite place we went to. Everything so old and quaint, yet so beautiful and bright. The hotel we stayed in was all white, and my patio overlooked the marina with all the nice boats and beautiful clear blue water. I could’ve definitely stayed here a few more days.

I made some great friends and memories on this trip, and am so thankful that Follie Follie invited me on such an unforgettable experience. I vlogged the whole trip, and am so excited to share with you guys on my YouTube page. I’m already on a plane to the next destination… Where do you guys want to go?         


Weekend in Malibu


Vegan & Traveling