Costa Rica - Trippin with Tarte

The beauty world (cosmetics, make up, products) has never been something I educated myself on until lately. I realize how important it is to take care of my skin, and since I am so careful of what I put inside my body, its definitely just as important to care about what you're putting on your body too. 

As someone who tries their absolute best to only purchase vegan products, and loves to support animal cruelty free brands, Tarte cosmetics has always been a favorite of mine. They're vegan, cruelty free, and even own their own charity to help support our ecosystem and environment. Not to mention, I'm completely obsessed with all their beauty products, and new skincare line. 

When Tarte asked if I wanted to attend a trip with them, I literally did the happy dance in the car with my mom. My mom even said "wow, I don't think I've seen you this excited in a very long time".... she obviously hasn't gotten brunch with me for a while because this happy dance was similar to the reaction I have when my avocado toast hits the table. 

Anyways... I was stoked (understatement). 

I had also been dreaming of visiting Costa Rica. Especially the Four Seasons resort there, because I had herd it was absolutely incredible. I can now support this statement. Four seasons have never dissapointed me, yet Costa Rica being such a magical place just made it that much more dreamy and luxurious.

I also got to bring one of my best friends. Emma is an incredibly talented, real, genuine, human with one of the sweetest souls. I am so lucky to have her. Her photos she captures are breathtaking, and she has her own style that shows through her art. She also looks better than almost every person in front of the camera..... Yes I have a crush on her. 

So happy I could bring her on this adventure, and we enjoyed exploring the jungle, ordering copius amounts of food for room service, and playing with all our new goodies from Tarte. 

We also ran into some friends that were also apart of the trip. Which was such a nice surprise!! 

How beautiful is Eva? I love how she is always down for an adventure. We share. love for nature, Hawaii, vegan food and wine nights. Grateful to have experienced so much with this one! She is a true girl boss and has inspired me. (ps: Eva brought our friends Riley Taylor, who is also an extremely talented photographer... who took this photo.. and I love him.) 


Some of my favorite items I discovered while on this trip with Tarte. Not only did my skin feel like how I would imagine a mermaids skin, but the ingredients in these products are so pure and natural and some of the best chemical free skin products I've ever herd of. 

Tarte, thank you for making me feel like a jungle queen, a friend, and a real life mermaid. Forever grateful for this experience. 

Costa Rica, I love you. 


Soulcation round 2. Back in Tulum.


Ojai - Girls Getaway